Tuesday, April 15, 2008

My Beautiful Ballerina is in PGN!!!

Josie's case entered PGN, the final court, yesterday. We were told that PGN is running at 4-to-6 weeks, so long as ther isn't a kick out. Please pray that our stay in PGN is short and sweet. (Josie's case is moving along so much faster than Shay's did.)


Faith, Family, Future said...

I am so very happy for all of you. We are praying that she will be OUT and home very soon.


Susie said...

Oh my.....she is beautiful!! I stand with you in faith.."today is the day for PGN approval". blessings, Susie

Stacey and Dewey said...

YIPPPEEEE!!!! Thats WONDERFUL news!!! I'm so excited for you, come on PGN OUT!! I love her pic she looks like an angel.
Best Wishes

Mary Ann said...

I am soooo happy for all the progress! I am praying for a speedy PGN stay! Josie needs to be

Heidi said...

She is gorgeous! I can't get over it! Congrats on being in PGN. I hope you do not get a kickout. They stink! She needs to be home with her family!

Mamita J said...

I found my way over here through Tammy. Congratulations on being in PGN. Hopefully your beautiful daughter will be OUT soon.

And...I am still rolling on the floor over that homeschool video. I must share that with my friends.


Ruthanne said...

Yay!! I hope you are in and then right back OUT!!!

One Busy Momma said...

She's absolutly beautiful!!!
Hope she has a super short stay in pgn!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Carla I am praying bigtime that you get OUT fast!

Tara said...

This beautiful picture of Josie just warms my heart.....her eyes, her soft smile. Please let PGN be kind to your case!