If you get our Christmas card this year and wonder why Josi looks different, but just can't put a finger on it, you'll know why after you read this post.
I got an email from Josi's foster family informing me that Josi had gotten a hold of her teenage foster-sister's eyebrow trimmer and proceeded to trim her own eyebrows--almost completely off.
Her foster mom is so wonderful to tell me things like this and I am so thankful for that. She took some pics for me so that I can put them in her scrapbook/lifebook for her. (And to think, I could have missed this.)
Here is Josi with her eyebrows missing. She has katsup on her face because she was eating McDonald's.
I cannot wait for her to come home!!! The web cam visits and occasional pics are what keeps me going. Thirty-five more days until I get to see her again.
That is the eyebrow trimmer she is holding in her hand.
She is looking quite proud of herself, isn't she?
I LOVE this photo. I can't wait until the time comes where she feels safe enough, once she's home with us, to reveal her goofy personality. It's so nice to know that she has a sense of humor.
Even though she is still adorable without eyebrows, I do hope they grow back at least a little, because I do plan to take a good photo of her for our Christmas card this year when I am there next month.
This must be her intoxicated-with-pride face.